
The dates for first-ever, national Insulin Safety Week have been announced. The campaign, being rolled out across the UK and Ireland, builds on interest generated by successful local campaigns across the country, including at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust and University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust. It will take place from...
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A hospital trust has staged a week-long campaign to improve insulin safety. East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust staged Insulin Safety Week from Monday, April 24, to Sunday, April 30. It was organised to reduce the number of serious incidents relating to the drug, with 46 per cent of patients treated with insulin in hospitals nationally...
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An Insulin Safety Week staged in Leicester in June 2017 reached more than 1,000 staff members. Leicester’s Hospitals have been staging Insulin Safety Week this week in a bid to educate nurses, doctors and other healthcare staff about insulin and the need to understand the drug and use it safely. Members of the diabetes team...
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Southampton General Hospital stage an Insulin Safety Week in November 2017 campaign to launch a new assessment tool for the self administration of the drug. University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust is running an Insulin Safety Week from Monday, November 13, to Friday, November, 17. The diabetes team has used the opportunity to roll out the self-administration...
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